Saturday, May 27, 2017

6 Mistakes to avoid when you join a gym for the first time

The first hurdle is simply convinc ing yourself to join the gym. The second is to figure out which one fits your budget and timings. Signing up at a gym is only half the battle won. You need to be regular, patient and dedicated if you want to see results. You also need to remember that as a gym rookie, things can either get exciting or ugly real quick. Exciting if you listen to your trainer and ugly if you let your ego do all the exercises. Stop trying to look an experienced gym goer since you aren't and make sure you are not making these mistakes.

1 Don't overdo things

While it might seem exciting to try out everything in the first week itself, your body needs time to get used to this new regimen. You might want to lift weights but form and technique are more important than behaving like you know it all. You might want to show off but trying to push yourself more than you can will only result in unnecessary injuries.

2 Never neglect your lower body

The legs comprise almost half of your body but many people don't even spend an entire hour training their legs. A typical gym goer spends almost five days on their upper body and just one day on legs. While leg workouts can be painful, you need to start working out legs at least twice a week with as much passion as you hit your upper body.

3 Treat all muscle groups equally

We all have a favourite muscle group but that doesn't mean that we will only train that group. Every group has demands and must be given equal training importance.

Some people have the ten dency to hit the same body part day in and day out.

That is a big mistake, say experts. While you can bring up a lagging body part by training it more, it doesn't mean you should over-train it. This results in an imbalanced physique and increases injury risks.

4 Know the difference between stretching and warm-ups

Hate it or love it, cold stretching is stupid. It's not advisable to stretch before lifting weights.

Most people are not able to differ entiate between warm-up tech niques and stretching and use them interchangeably with each other.Studies have actually shown that stretching before a workout can hinder performance. Do it after the workout or anytime during the day , just not before starting a working out. Remember: Warm-ups are to be done before a workout and stretches after a workout.

5 Avoid cardio before lifting weights

There is nothing wrong in running on a treadmill for 10-15 minutes but doing it just before your weight training session will only make you tired.Unfortunately , a large number of gym goers in India spend the initial 30-40 minutes in the cardio section before moving onto weights and then complain continuously about the lack of energy .If you want to do cardio, do it either after a weight training session or in a separate session.

6 Don't leave everything to memory

When you join a gym, there are chances that you might feel overwhelmed with all the new exercises that you're suddenly doing.Therefore, it is important to keep a diary where you can jot down your workout sessions each day . This will help you keep track of what you're doing and also help you figure out if you're doing anything wrong. Lastly, don't forget to ask for help when you need it.

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