Thursday, November 15, 2012

Docs resort to hi-tech cheating in Chandigarh 15 ineligible students arrested, sophisticated gadgets used for copying seized from them

 Docs resort to hi-tech cheating in Chandigarh

15 ineligible students arrested, sophisticated gadgets used for copying seized from them

The CBI raids on 11 examinations centres where MS/MD entrance tests for the prestigious medical institute, the Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research were being held shocked the medical fraternity when sophisticated electronic gadgets like laptops, micro earphones, sophisticated mobile phones, bluetooth devices, special clothes fitted with sophisticated devices, buttonhole cameras, tablet computers, wireless earplugs were recovered recovered from students engaged in the copying.
Besides, the CBI arrested seven girls and eight boys from the examination centres while none of them was qualified to take the exam.
All the arrested candidates belonged to Andhra Pradesh and have been remanded to police custody till November 15.
Led by P Gurivi Reddy, the gang used moblie applications to deliver photographs of question papers in high resolution font to subject experts in Patna and Hyderabad. The experts mailed back answers to touts in the city hotel, who dictated them to the beneficiaries in examination halls.
The CBI officials said each beneficiary paid between Rs30 and 35lakh each for it.
The CBI officials said the girls accused in the crime had hidden sophisticated mobile phones with camera in their undergarments and had bluetooth fixed in their ears. They had left their hair open to hide the devices.
The girls first scanned and emailed the copy of the question paper to their associates, who were stationed in a hotel room in the city. From there, the question papers were sent to experts based in Patna and Hyderabad through email, and the answers to questions were flashed back within half an hour to students taking the examination.
“Using special clothes with devices fitted in them are something which is new when it comes to cheating in the exam,” said a CBI official.
In fact, one of the accused girls, C Namitha, the candidate who was caught using bluetooth, was rushed to the PGI for surgery as the device affected the auditory canal of her ear. The girl was rushed to the ENT department where she underwent a minor surgery.
“The device was pushed in her ear as it got stuck in the auditory canal. Though the surgery did not take long, the doctors were being extra careful as the device was small in size,” said an official.

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