Sunday, September 22, 2019

6:03 PM

अपना सुंदर भारत। जिसके कण कण पर जान न्योछावर करने वाले लोग मौजुद है तो देश सुंदर कैसे नही होगा?

5:21 PM

शॉपिंग मॉल की कौन सी चतुराई भरी नीति होती है कि ग्राहक गैर जरूरी सामान खरीद लेता है?

शॉपिंग मॉल वाले अपने ग्राहकों को लूटने के लिए ऐसी गंदी रणनीति बनाते हैं जिसे जानकर आप चौक जायेंगे

शॉपिंग मॉल में अक्सर सामान के मूल्य साइकोलॉजी के अनुसार रखे जाते हैं, जैसे ₹100 के बजाय ₹99 , 500 रुपये के बजाय ₹499, 1000 रुपये के बजाय ₹999 ...यह रणनीति ग्राहक के लिए साइकोलॉजिकल इफेक्ट का काम करती है और ग्राहक को लगता है की मूल्य काफी कम है

इसके अलावा शॉपिंग मॉल वाले मॉल के अंदर एस्केलेटर जानबूझकर पीछे लगाते हैं ताकि ग्राहक पूरा माल का चक्कर लगाकर जाए जिससे रास्ते में उसकी नजर गैर जरूरी सामानों पर पड़े और वह उन्हें खरीदें और हर एक मॉल में मूवी थिएटर टॉप फ्लोर पर होता है ताकि फिल्म देखने जाने वाले लोग भी मॉल से होकर जाएं और कुछ न कुछ खरीदारी करते रहे

शॉपिंग मॉल वाले बहुत सी चीजों को सीधे निर्माता से अपने लिए खास पैकेजिंग और खास वजन में मंगाते हैं


अभी कुछ दिन पहले मैं चायपत्ती लेने एक मॉल में गया जो बाजार से ₹20 सस्ती थी मैंने खरीद लिया घर आकर जब मैंने ठीक से वजन देखा तब वहां पर 500 ग्राम की बजाय 460 ग्राम लिखा था मैंने चाय की कंपनी के कस्टमर केयर नंबर पर फोन किया तो पता चला शॉपिंग मॉल ने अपने लिए विशेष पैकेजिंग बनाया है

ऐसे ही शॉपिंग मॉल वाले शैंपू भी निर्माता से 50% एक्स्ट्रा प्रिंट वाले लेते हैं जबकि उनमें कोई भी एक्स्ट्रा नहीं होता आप यह शैंपू के दोनों पैकेट देख सकते हैं एक जो मैंने शॉपिंग मॉल में लिया दूसरा मैंने साधारण दुकान से लिया दोनों में 6 ग्राम शैंपू है लेकिन मॉल वाले शैंपू के पाउच पर 50% एक्स्ट्रा लिखा हुआ है ताकि ग्राहक आकर्षित होकर खरीदें

शॉपिंग मॉल वाले छूट के नाम पर ग्राहकों को सबसे ज्यादा मूर्ख बनाते हैं .. कीमत को ज्यादा दिखाकर फिर 50% डिस्काउंट देते हैं इतना ही नहीं यह सेल तब लगाते हैं जब इन्हें पता होता है हॉस्टल में रहकर पढ़ने वाले छात्रों के मां बाप अपने बच्चों को पैसा भेजते होंगे

इसीलिए मित्रों हमें हमेशा खरीदारी स्ट्रीट शॉपिंग करनी चाहिए ताकि हम कोई गैर जरूरी सामान ना खरीदें और सड़कों पर चलने से हमारा स्वास्थ्य भी अच्छा होगा

इतना ही नहीं शॉपिंग माल वाले अपने मॉल में आजकल खाने-पीने का स्टॉल जरूर रखते हैं ताकि ग्राहक उसी बहाने मॉल में आकर्षित और शॉपिंग मॉल में जो सामान बेहद जरूरी होता है जैसे सब्जी और दूध उसे हमेशा मॉल के पीछे हिस्से में रखा जाता है ताकि ग्राहक उसे लेने के लिए मॉल का पूरा चक्कर लगाकर जाए और रास्ते में और भी तमाम चीजें देखते हुए और उन्हें खरीदते हुए जाए

शॉपिंग मॉल वाले बच्चों को आकर्षित करने के लिए बहुत मेहनत करते हैं ताकि बच्चे जिद करके मॉल में आए और अपने मां-बाप की जेब ढीली करें

जब भी आप आर्थिक संकट में हो तब आप आप अपनी खरीदारी मोहल्ले के दुकान या स्ट्रीट शॉपिंग से करें क्योंकि जब भी मैं मॉल से आने के बाद घर पर सामानों को देखता हूं तो मुझे पता चलता है आधे से ज्यादा सामान हम ऐसे खरीद लेते हैं जो हमारे लिए गैर जरूरी होते हैं और वह अलमारी में रखे रखे खराब हो जाते हैं
5:19 PM

लालू यादव के बारे में कौन सी बातें बहुत कम लोग जानते हैं?

लालू यादव के बारे अनेक बातें ऐसी हैं जिन्हें बहुत कम लोग जानते हैं, भारत के सबसे भ्रष्ट नेताओं में से एक लालू यादव के बारे में ये वो नातें हैं-

  • लालू खुद भी अपनी जन्म की असली तारीख नहीं जानते, कागजों में 11 जून उनकी जन्म तारीख है.
  • ग्रेजुएशन के बाद पटना के एक कालेज में क्लर्क के रूप में काम किया.
  • लालू यादव कोई 'यादव' नहीं हैं, उनका पूरा नाम 'लालू प्रसाद' है.
  • बिहार के कुछ सरकारी अफसरों के अनुसार 9.5 अरब का चारा घोटाला लालू यादव के भ्रष्टाचार का एक अंश मात्र है.
  • अपनी बेटी की शादी में आधे पटना को बंद कराने और पटना की आधी पुलिस उसी शादी में लगाने वाले नेता.
  • अपनी बेटी मीसा की शादी पूरी तरह सरकारी खर्चे पर करवाना जिसमे करोड़ों सरकारी रुपये पानी की तरह बहाए गये.
  • लालू ने बिहार बोर्ड में होने वाली नक़ल का समर्थन किया और नक़ल से अच्छे नंबर दिलवाने को अपनी सरकार की उपलब्धि बताया था.
  • जिन 15 सालों में मध्य प्रदेश, तमिलनाडु, आंध्र प्रदेश, गुजरात जैसे राज्य अत्यधिक तेज विकास कर रहे थे, लालू यादव ने उन 15 सालों में आजादी के बाद के सबसे विकसित राज्य बिहार को सबसे पिछड़े राज्यों में से एक बना दिया.
5:17 PM

लिफ्ट के अंदर शीशा क्‍यों लगाया जाता है?

लिफ्ट में दर्पण क्यों होते हैं? इसके पीछे की कहानी बड़ी दिलचस्प है।
शुरुआती औद्योगिक युग में जब बड़ी इमारतों का निर्माण शुरू किया गया था, तो लिफ्ट का विचार मानव मन में आया। लेकिन उस समय ये लिफ्ट बहुत धीमी थी और इसलिए लोग निराश हो गए और लिफ्ट की गति के बारे में आलोचना करने लगे। तब कुछ लोगो को एक विचार आया और उन्होंने पाया कि यह प्रतीक्षा, मनोवैज्ञानिक पक्ष के अलावा और कुछ नहीं है। चिंता प्रतीक्षा समय को अधिक लंबा कर देती है।इंजीनियरों ने कई समाधानों का प्रस्ताव दिया, जिसमें उन्होंने लिफ्ट में दर्पण लगाए। ये आइडिया कामयाब हुआ।

बहुत से लोगों को क्लॉस्ट्रोफोबिक की समस्या होती है। बंद या छोटे स्थानों में होने के डर को क्लस्ट्रोफोबिक कहा जाता है। लिफ्ट में दर्पण होने से क्लौस्ट्रफोबिक की समस्या कम हो जाती है। लिफ्ट में शीशे लगे होने से आप का ध्यान चारों तरफ बना रहता है जिससे आप अगल-बगल ध्यान रख सकते हैं। कोई अगर चोरी करने या परेशान करने की कोशिश करे तो आप उसे देख सकते है।
5:16 PM

भारत में निजी अस्पतालों में डॉक्टर हमारी मेहनत की कमाई कैसे लूटते हैं? हमें लूटने के उनके सबसे ज़बरदस्त पैंतरे कौनसे हैं?

जी बहुत सारे तरीके है बताता हूं

  • ऐसे डॉक्टर ओपीडी के नाम पर लूटते हैं जैसे कि अगर ओपीडी की पर्ची 7 दिन के लिए मान्य हैं तो वो डॉक्टर 7 दिन के बाद ही आने को बोलेगा।
  • ऐसी दवाइयां लिखना जो की उसी हस्पताल में मिले या फिर जिस पर कमीसन सेट हो उसी पर।
  • ऐसे टेस्ट बार बार लिखना जिनका करवाने का कोई ओचित्य नहीं।
  • पेशंट को डराना की अगर इलाज नहीं करवाया तो दुष्परिणाम हो सकते हैं।
  • दो घंटे बेड चार्ज का पूरा दिन चार्ज करना।
  • दूसरे डॉक्टर की बुराई करना कि ये गलत इलाज बताया हैं।
  • सबसे ज्यादा अगर कोई लूटता हैं तो वो है सेक्सोलॉजिस्ट इलाज का हजारों में कोर्स बताना। लोगो के दिमाग से खेलना।
  • जेनरिक दवाई ना लिख कर ब्रांडेड वाली ही लिखना।
5:15 PM

किस अभिनेता के बदलाव ने आपको वास्तव में चौंका दिया?

मैं आपको दक्षिण भारत की फिल्मो के हास्य अभिनेताओं की पृष्ठभूमि की बात कर रहा हूँ क्योंकि जिस अभिनेता के बदलाव ने मुझे चौंका दिया वो भी दक्षिण भारतीय फिल्मो के कॉमेडियन है और बदलाव के बाद उन्होंने मुख्य भूमिकाओं में आना शुरू कर दिया इन्होने अपनी दूसरी पारी की शुरुआत मुख्य भूमिकाओं से की, अपने शीर्ष समय पर वो ब्रह्मानंदम से कुछ कम नहीं थे यहाँ पर हम सुनील की बात कर रहे है उसके बाद सुनील ने अवकाश लिया तो लोगो ने सोचा शायद राजनीती में जाने के लिए सुनील ने फिल्मो को छोड़ दिया है लेकिन 2 -3 वर्षो जब सुनील वापस आये तो उन्होंने सबको चौंका दिया वो फिल्मो में एकदम शानदार बॉडी बनाकर लौटे और अपनी मुख्य भूमिका वाली फिल्म के ट्रेलर में दिखाई दिए मुझे याद है कि कैसे हर कोई उनके कठिन परिश्रम और लगन की तारीफ कर रहा था वो पूरे दक्षिण भारत में चर्चा का विषय थे उसके बाद उन्होंने कई फिल्मो में मुख्य भूमिका निभाई जिनमे कुछ फिल्म सफल रही और कुछ फ्लॉप हो गयी सुनील ने एक फिल्म राजमौली के साथ भी की जो बेहद सफल रही मगर सुनील अपने आप को हीरो के रूप में स्थापित करने में असफल रहे वो वापस केवल कॉमेडियन बनना नहीं चाहता था वो कॉमेडी केवल मुख्य भूमिका में ही करना चाहता था भगवान् ही जानता है कि भविष्य में सुनील कितना सफल होगा मगर उसका परिश्रम और लगन काबिल-ए-तारीफ है मैं उसकी सफलता की कामना करता हूँ

5:04 PM

आर्य भट्ट ने शून्य की खोज की तो रामायण में रावण के दस सर की गणना कैसे की गयी?

कुछ लोग हिन्दू धर्म व "रामायण" महाभारत "गीता" को काल्पनिक दिखाने के लिए यह प्रश्न करते है कि जब आर्यभट्ट ने लगभग 6 वी शताब्दी मे (शून्य/जीरो) की खोज की तो आर्यभट्ट की खोज से लगभग 5000 हजार वर्ष पहले रामायण मे रावण के 10 सिर की गिनती कैसे की गई !!!

और महाभारत मे कौरवो की 100 की संख्या की गिनीती कैसे की गई !!

जबकि उस समय लोग (जीरो) को जानते ही नही थे !!

तो लोगो ने गिनती को कैसे गिना !!!!

अब मै इस प्रश्न का उत्तर दे रहा हु !!

कृपया इसे पूरा ध्यान से पढे!

आर्यभट्ट से पहले संसार 0(शुन्य) को नही जानता था !!

आर्यभट्ट ने ही (शुन्य / जीरो) की खोज की, यह एक सत्य है !!

लेकिन आर्यभट्ट ने "0( जीरो )"" की खोज *अंको मे* की थी, *शब्दों* में खोज नहीं की थी, उससे पहले 0 (अंक को) शब्दो मे शुन्य कहा जाता था !!!

उस समय मे भी हिन्दू धर्म ग्रंथो मे जैसे शिव पुराण,स्कन्द पुराण आदि मे आकाश को *शुन्य* कहा गया है !!

यहाँ पे "शुन्य" का मतलव अनंत से होता है !!

लेकिन *रामायण व महाभारत* काल मे गिनती अंको मे न होकर शब्दो मे होता था,और वह भी *संस्कृत* मे !!

उस समय *1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, 9,10* अंक के स्थान पे *शब्दो* का प्रयोग होता था वह भी *संस्कृत* के शव्दो का प्रयोग होता था !!!

जैसे !

1 = प्रथम

2 = द्वितीय

3 = तृतीय"

4 = चतुर्थ

5 = पंचम""

6 = षष्टं"

7 = सप्तम""

8 = अष्टम""

9 = नवंम""

10 = दशम !!

*दशम = दस*

यानी" दशम मे *दस* तो आ गया,लेकिन अंक का

0 (जीरो/शुन्य ) नही आया,‍‍रावण को दशानन कहा जाता है !!

*दशानन मतलव दश+आनन =दश सिर वाला*

अब देखो

रावण के दस सिर की गिनती तो हो गई !!

लेकिन अंको का 0 (जीरो) नही आया !!

इसी प्रकार महाभारत काल मे *संस्कृत* शब्द मे *कौरवो* की सौ की संख्या को *शत-शतम* ""बताया गया !!

*शत्* एक संस्कृत का "शब्द है,

जिसका हिन्दी मे अर्थ सौ (100) होता है !!

सौ(100) "को संस्कृत मे शत् कहते है !!

*शत = सौ*

इस प्रकार महाभारत काल मे कौरवो की संख्या गिनने मे सौ हो गई !!

लेकिन इस गिनती मे भी *अंक का 00(डबल जीरो)* नही आया,और गिनती भी पूरी हो गई !!!

महाभारत धर्मग्रंथ में कौरव की संख्या शत बताया गया है!

रोमन मे भी

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 की

जगह पे (¡)''(¡¡)"""(¡¡¡)""

पाँच को V कहा जाता है !!

दस को x कहा जाता है !!

रोमन मे x को दस कहा जाता है !!

X= दस

इस रोमन x मे अंक का (जीरो/0) नही आया !!

और हम" दश पढ "भी लिए

और" गिनती पूरी हो गई!!

इस प्रकार रोमन word मे "कही 0 (जीरो) "नही आता है!!

और आप भी" रोमन मे""एक से लेकर "सौ की गिनती "पढ लिख सकते है !!

आपको 0 या 00 लिखने की जरूरत भी नही पड़ती है !!

पहले के जमाने मे गिनती को *शब्दो मे* लिखा जाता था !!

उस समय अंको का ज्ञान नही था !!

जैसे गीता,रामायण मे 1"2"3"4"5"6 या बाकी पाठो (lesson ) को इस प्रकार पढा जाता है !!


(प्रथम अध्याय, द्वितीय अध्याय, पंचम अध्याय,दशम अध्याय... आदि !!)

इनके"" दशम अध्याय ' मतलब

दशवा पाठ (10 lesson) "" होता है !!

दशम अध्याय= दसवा पाठ

इसमे *दश* शब्द तो आ गया !!

लेकिन इस दश मे *अंको का 0* (जीरो)" का प्रयोग नही हुआ !!

बिना 0 आए पाठो (lesson) की गिनती दश हो गई !!

(हिन्दू बिरोधी और नास्तिक लोग सिर्फ अपने गलत कुतर्क द्वारा

‍ हिन्दू धर्म व हिन्दू धर्मग्रंथो को काल्पनिक साबित करना चाहते है !!)

जिससे हिन्दूओ के मन मे हिन्दू धर्म के प्रति नफरत भरकर और हिन्दू धर्म को काल्पनिक साबित करके,हिन्दू समाज को अन्य धर्मों में परिवर्तित किया जाए !!!

लेकिन आज का हिन्दू समाज अपने धार्मिक शिक्षा को ग्रहण ना करने के कारण इन लोगो के झुठ को सही मान बैठता है !!!

यह हमारे धर्म व संस्कृत के लिए हानि कारक है !!

अपनी सभ्यता पहचाने,गर्व करे की हम भारतीय है।
5:02 PM

पी चिदंबरम को जेल में कौन-कौन सी सुविधाएं उपलब्ध कराई गईंं हैं ?

बता दें कि पी चिदंबरम राजनीतिक के अलावा पेशे से वकील भी हैं और उनका केस वरिष्ठ वकील और कांग्रेस नेता कपिल सिब्बल लड रहे है | वो कानूनी दाव पेच बहुत बेहतर जानते है |

कोर्ट ने भले ही तिहाड़ जेल भेज दिया है पर उनको सारी सुविधा है | पी. चिदंबरम की जेल में अलग सेल, खाट और अलग बाथरूम , वेस्टर्न शौचालय की मांगें मंज़ूर कर ली गई हैं |

पी चिदंबरम कांग्रेस के वरिष्ठ नेता हैं और पूर्व केंद्रीय वित्त मंत्री रह चुके हैं और वीआईपी होने के नाते वो वीआईपी सुख-सुविधाओं का आनंद जिसमें टीवी, अखबार, मिनरल वाटर से लेकर फाइव स्टार होटलों से मंगाया गया खाना तक आसानी से मगा सकते है |

तो एक तरह से देखा जाये तो वो जेल में हैं पर होटेल की तरह |
5:01 PM

क्या चीन सच में उतना शक्तिशाली है जितना हम भारतीय सोचते हैं?

• चीन उतना भी शक्तिशाली देश नही है जितना हम भारतीय उसे समझते हैं।
 • चीन खुद की तुलना अमेरिका से करता है, लेकिन हाल ही मे अमेरिका ने उसकी बाजू हल्की सी मरोडी और उसकी ईकोनॉमी की हालत खराब होने लगी।
 • इसलिये हमे चीन को अमेरिका जैसा नही समझना चाहिए।
 • लेकिन यह बात भी सच है कि पिछ्ले कुछ दशकों मे चीन हम से कई गुना आगे निकल गया है।
 • चीन अपनी समस्याओं को देखता है और तुरंत उन पर काम करना शुरु कार देता है।
 • वहीं भारत मे सालों तक सरकारें समस्याओं को देखती रहती हैं, फिर एक कमेटी बना देती है, कमेटी सालों बाद रिपोर्ट देती है और फिर उस पर राजनीती होती रहती है।
 • कोई भी कदम उठाने से पहले सरकारें देश हित को छोड कर पहले अपना वोट का सोचती हैं, इसी कारण GST जैसे मुद्दे दशकों तक लटके रहते हैं।
 • चीन और भारत की बहुत समस्यायें एक जैसी हैं, जैसे एक मुख्य समस्या है गरीबी की, चीन हर साल करोडों लोगों को गरीबी से बाहर निकाल रहा है और भारत और चीन के बीच का अंतर भी बढता जा राह है।
 • आज की तारीख़ में हम कम से कम यह तो कह सकतें हैं की चीन एक अर्थिक ताकत के रूप में तो विश्व के मानचित्र पर उभर ही चुका है।
4:59 PM

भारत ने जिस सरलता के साथ कश्मीर से धारा-370 हटा दिया जो कि एक जटिल एवं गंभीर मुद्दा था, क्या उसी तरह POK भी वापस लेकर कश्मीर में शामिल कर पायेगा?

यह सही है कि भारत सरकार ने धारा 370 हटा दी है जो एक बहुत ही जटिल और गंभीर मुद्दा था लेकिन भारत सरकार ने बड़ी चतुराई से समझदारी से इस धारा को हटाया है और हर तरीके के संभव प्रयास कर रही है ताकि जम्मू कश्मीर के आम जनता को इसका पूरा फायदा मिले व्यापार हो व्यवसाय हो ज्यादा से ज्यादा युवाओं को रोजगार मिले इसके लिए भारत सरकार हर संभव कदम उठा रही है और रही पीओके की बात वह भी पीओके के लिए भारत सरकार के लिए एक महत्वपूर्ण और गंभीर चुनौती है इसके लिए वह तरीके संभव हो सके उससे निपटे की लेकिन इतना आसान नहीं है को भारत में शामिल करने के लिए कई तरह की समस्याओं का सामना करना पड़ सकता है जैसे ही पाकिस्तान एक कारगिल जैसा युद्ध कर सकता है अगर हम पीओके कुछ छीन लेते हैं पाकिस्तान से ले लेते हैं और वही और दूसरी तरफ अन्य देशों के लोग का साथ मिलना चाहिए अगर साथ नहीं मिलता है तो क्यों इतना आसान नहीं होगा लेना लेकिन भारत सरकार पीछे नहीं हटेगी और pok लेने के लिए तरह-तरह के हथकंडे नियम कानून कायदे हर तरीके का सहयोग लेगी कोशिश करेगी भारत सरकार आने वाले समय में पीओके भी अपने क्षेत्र में ले लेगी सबसे बड़ा फायदा यह है कि पीओके के लोग भी भारत में आना चाहते हैं वहां के लोग भारत से बहुत प्यार करते हैं भारत को बहुत चाहते हैं इसलिए पीओके के लोग भारत में आने के लिए आतुर हैं और वह खुशनसीब समझेंगे कि हम भारत में रह रहे हैं और रही बात वह नरेंद्र मोदी को बहुत सपोर्ट करते हैं धन्यवाद
4:57 PM

सैमसंग कंपनी के मोबाइलों की बिक्री गिरने का मुख्य कारण क्या है?

अच्छी गुणवत्ता (quality) के मोबाइल फोन बनाने के बावजूद सैमसंग की बिक्री गिरने के कई कारण हैं । मैंने सैमसंग के कई फोन और अन्य प्रोडक्ट इस्तेमाल किया है और इसे अच्छा पाया है ।

ग्राहकों की उम्मीदों के अनुसार जल्दी बदलाव न लाने की गलती। ये गलती कई कंपनियों ने की है और उसकी भरपाई बड़े नुकसान के रूप में की है । एक समय नोकिया के फ़ीचर फोन मजबूती और सरल यूजर इंटरफेस (UI) के चलते बाजार पर कब्जा जमाये हुए थे । भारतीय ग्राहक बहुत लॉयल और संवेदनशील होते हैं । सैमसंग ने अच्छे क्वालिटी के सुंदर दिखने वाले फोन द्वारा नोकिया को चुनौती दी । दूसरे चरण में जब रंगीन डिस्प्ले वाले फोन और उसके बाद VGA कैमरा वाले फोन का जमाना आया तो नोकिया पर सैमसंग अपनी तकनीकी दक्षताओं के चलते भारी पड़ा । तीसरे चरण में शुरुआती स्मार्टफोन / मल्टी मीडिया फोन का जमाना याद कीजिये । यहां नोकिया के सिम्बियन ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम, Carl Ziess Optics का प्रयोग करके अपना दबदबा बनाये रखने में सक्षम रहा । चौथे चरण में एंड्राइड ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम की एंट्री हुई । सैमसंग ने गैलेक्सी श्रृंखला के स्मार्टफोन लॉन्च किए जो मजबूती, बढ़िया कैमरे, उच्च कोटि के डिस्प्ले से लैस थे । यहाँ नोकिया अपने सिम्बियन ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम के मोह में फंसे होने के कारण पिछड़ गया । सैमसंग ने गैलेक्सी श्रृंखला में कई मूल्य वर्ग के स्मार्टफोन लॉन्च किए । धीरे धीरे ऍप्स और अन्य तकनीकी मामलों में सिम्बियन ओ. एस. पिछड़ता गया। इस तकनीकी बदलाव की बयार में दो सिम (Dual Sim) वाले मोबाइल फोन लॉन्च करने में नोकिया और सैमसंग दोनों पिछड़ गए जिसका फायदा निम्न श्रेणी की चायनीज कंपनियों ने उठाया । बाजार दो सिम (Dual Sim) वाले चाइनीज हैंडसेटों से पट गया जिनकी न कोई गारंटी/वारंटी थी और न ही सर्विस नेटवर्क । देर से जागी सैमसंग ने C 5212 लांच करके अपनी गलती सुधार ली लेकिन नोकिया अभी भी ग्राहकों को अपनी निजी जागीर समझे बैठा रहा और अंततः जब तक dual sim और एंड्रॉइड को अपनाता तब तक बहुत देर हो गई थी । नोकिया कम्पनी बिकी, जिसे माइक्रोसॉफ्ट ने खरीदा । बाद में माइक्रोसॉफ्ट ने HMD ग्लोबल को ये कम्पनी बेच दी ।

उधर सैमसंग सफलता के नए कीर्तिमान स्थापित करते हुए दुनिया का नम्बर 1 स्मार्टफोन निर्माता बना । प्रीमियम वर्ग में एप्पल एक बड़ा प्रतिद्वंद्वी बन कर उभरा । यद्यपि स्टीव जॉब्स की मृत्यु के बाद एप्पल के इन्नोवेशन और नए प्रोडक्ट की लॉन्चिंग में वो धार नहीं रही (ऐसा मेरा मानना है) . कुछ चाइनीज कम्पनियों के स्मार्टफोन अपनी गुणवत्ता और किफायती दाम के कारण विश्वस्तरीय चुनौती देने लगे । भारतीय बाजार में जियोनी, माइक्रोमैक्स, हुआवे, शाओमी,ऑप्पो, वीवो जैसी चाइनीज/ इंडो-चाइनीज कंपनियां अच्छे फीचर्स वाले स्मार्टफोन कम कीमतों में लॉन्च करने लगीं । शाओमी ने अपना असेम्बली संयंत्र भारत में लगाया । पैकेज पर बड़े अक्षरों में मेड इन इंडिया लिखवाना शुरू किया जिससे चाइनीज वस्तुओं का बहिष्कार अभियान के असर से बच सकें । शाओमी ने ऑनलाइन फ़्लैश-सेल का नया फंडा अपना कर अपनी जड़ें मजबूत कर लीं (विशेष रूप से स्मार्टफोन की मिड रेंज में) । वन प्लस ने एक नया सेगमेंट बनाया जो प्रीमियम फीचर्स वाले फोन कम क़ीमत में उपलब्ध कराने लगा ।(जैसे शक्तिमान ही गंगाधर था वैसे ही ऑप्पो, वीवो और वनप्लस भी मूलतः एक ही कम्पनी है)। हुआवे ने अलग से एक ऑनलाइन honor ब्रांड बनाकर शाओमी का पीछा किया ।

इन सब के बीच सैमसंग के स्मार्टफोन कम क्षमता के RAM और हैवी यूजर इंटरफेस के चलते हैंग होने की समस्या से ग्रसित थे। मिड रेंज में जब दूसरे निर्माता 2GB RAM वाले मिड रेंज के फोन बेच रहे थे तो सैमसंग सुस्त रफ्तार वाला फोन महंगे दाम में बेच रहा था । जब सैमसंग 2MP/5MP कैमरे वाले फोन बेच रहे थे तो दूसरे निर्माता 8MP/12MP कैमरे वाले फोन बेच रहे थे ।(यद्यपि सैमसंग का 5MP कैमरा कई 12MP कैमरों से अच्छा था लेकिन जनता तो आंकड़े देखती है) । दूसरे निर्माता 4GB RAM/ स्नैपड्रैगन प्रोसेसर वाले फोन बेचने लगे तब सैमसंग 2GB/3GB फोन में अटका था । जब पतले बेजल और बिना फिजिकल बटन वाले हैंड सेट आये तो सैमसंग मोटे बेजल का बादशाह बना बैठा था । सैमसंग दुनिया के बाकी देशों में स्नैपड्रैगन प्रोसेसर वाले प्रीमियम मॉडल हैंडसेट बेचती है और भारत में exynos प्रोसेसर वाले हैंडसेट बेचती है । सैमसंग के स्मार्टफोन में अन्य फोन की अपेक्षा सिस्टम अपडेट कम मिलता है या देर से मिलता है ।

कुल मिला कर जब एक बार मैदान में आपके पैर उखड़ गए तो फिर से पैर जमाना मुश्किल हो जाता है। इधर हाल में सैमसंग ने गैलेक्सी की A सीरीज और M सीरीज में अच्छे हैंडसेट लॉन्च किया है देखिए ग्राहक का मूड क्या होता है ।

Sunday, March 24, 2019

5:14 PM

Sealing the deal

What is the right time to get intimate in a relationship? Read on to find out
It is a looming romantic milestone for any new couple. What is the right time to start getting intimate in a relationship? Not until marriage? A couple of months in? The ‘standard’ three dates? Sometimes even on the first date?

Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin decided to abstain from sex before they got married in 2018, so did Miranda Kerr and husband Evan Spiegel. However, UK-based expert Tracey Cox suggests that for some, being intimate early on could fuel the chances of lasting longer in a relationship.


It is a wise idea to not jump between the sheets until you know your partner well. Psychologists have coined the term ‘lust blindness’ to denote the feeling when you get so carried away by the intimacy, that your objectivity takes a backseat. So, if you want to get out of your lust-infused haze and think about your new partner rationally, it is advisable that you wait for at least two months before getting physically close.

Going the extra mile

At a time when sexual mores are changing, waiting for a long time can make the situation stressful. A recent study suggests that being intimate early on could increase the chances of a relationship working.

The study found that sexual desire played a vital role in not only attracting partners, but also forging a strong bond between them. It set the stage and made it easier for strangers to develop a deep connection, which in turn motivated them to take the relationship seriously.
5:14 PM

Add protein to shake up your fitness regimen

The right amount of protein intake and a rigorous workout can help you remain hale and hearty, suggest experts
Losing out on the required protein intake leads to a number of adverse effects, including muscle breakdown, weakness, fatigue and premature hair loss.

In fact, the increasing incidence of many physical issues such as muscle loss, low immunity and body soreness can also be attributed to a low protein intake.

Niti Desai, consultant nutritionist, says protein deficiency often leads to an early onslaught of sarcopenia, or more simply, the loss of skeletal muscle mass and strength due to ageing.

“Protein is the glue that holds our muscles and tissues together, and people who fail to take adequate protein, are bound to suffer from sarcopenia. The best way to combat sarcopenia is by making sure your body gets its ideal intake of protein,” she said.

According to Desai, the recommended dietary intake (RDA) for protein for Indians is one gram per kg body weight. “A person weighing 60 kg will require 60 gm of protein on a daily basis. Vegetarians, especially, have limited options for protein-rich food like soya, cereals and pulses. Since increased soy intake has poor acceptance in our country, milk protein can be an important source of first-class protein, when one is trying to increase protein intake,” she added.

Experts suggest replacing your morning cup of tea or coffee with a healthy smoothie or a milkshake containing fruits, yoghurt/milk and whey.
5:13 PM

Why nobody wants feedback

There’s one good time to give work-related feedback, and it’s not during the year-end performance review

The performance review season is upon us. But most of us hate it, even though we haven’t yet come up with a better alternative. It tends to put a lot of pressure on people rather than improving how they really work.

Everyone believes feedback is important and useful, but past research indicates that’s not quite true. An essential crisis inherent to the performance review is that they don’t work, according to Kevin Murphy, chair of work and employment studies at the University of Limerick and co-author of Performance Appraisal and Management.

“About a third of the time, feedback makes things better, about a third of the time feedback makes things worse, and about a third of the time it has no effect whatsoever,” says Murphy.

Negative feedback

Interestingly, a recent working paper, from researchers at Harvard and the University of North Carolina, also found that negative feedback is basically ineffective. The study co-author Paul Green told Harvard Business Review, “There’s an assumption that what motivates people to improve is the realisation that they’re not as good as they think they are. But, in fact, it just makes them find people who will not shine that light on them.”

That is to say, if your colleague says your work is sloppy, you might find another co-worker to tell you it’s impeccable.

Yet the recent trend in human resource departments across industries appears to be increasing the amount of feedback employees receive. IBM, for example, ditched the annual performance review and replaced it with a real-time feedback app that supposedly encourages casual dialogue between co-workers.

The value of employees

So, does feedback ever work? Murphy says feedback is constructive only right after an employee has been hired before they really understand their job duties. Once an employee understands his or her job duties, feedback has little or no effect on their overall job.

Researchers propose ‘designing work or learning environments that encourage trial and error’ so that employees can learn the hard way without their manager’s interference. To be sure, these environments sound like they’d take time and effort to create — but the potential improvement in employee performance might be worth it.

Green told the Harvard Business Review that it can be helpful to affirm people’s overall importance to the organisation — that is, letting them know their job isn’t necessarily in jeopardy — while delivering negative feedback. “It’s about accompanying negative feedback with validation of who people are and of their value to the organisation,” Green says. “And it’s not even about providing it all the time. People just need to feel valued,” he says.
5:10 PM

Are you the bait to your click?

Your dream job is within reach — now don’t let social media scupper it
The rules of the real world are different, and whether we approve or not, they often call the shots on our virtual lives. Good, bad or ugly — as we paint a picture of ourselves online, there are other people of interest watching and keeping track of our online identity, forming impressions that may not altogether be an accurate portrayal of who we really are. While this may not be a subject of concern in our personal lives, no matter where we are placed in the corporate world, an adverse assessment of our personalities could become an issue, especially if we are looking to get a leg-up career-wise.

The fact is we use social media in our work and personal lives more than ever before, but we are surprisingly lax about our online footprint. More of us mix our professional and private lives on social media, with some among us having colleagues as pals on nonprofessional networks. A sizeable number among us also don’t put more care into our pictures on professional platforms, compared with personal social networks.

As a growing number of employers now check candidates out online, job seekers at all levels need to be more careful about their virtual presence. To help you make the right impression, here are some elementary social media etiquette tips, as shared by LinkedIn’s Darain Faraz.

Take care to make a good first impression

One of the first places employers head to check out potential candidates is online, so it’s important that your first impression makes the right impact.

Typically, you’ll only have five to 10 seconds to impress on professional networks. So make sure your headline and summary are engaging and represent your professional persona. Boost your chances of getting noticed by including an image. Profiles are 14 times more likely to be viewed if they have a photo. Just keep it professional.

Don’t broadcast your personal updates

Don’t forget that personal accounts can be visible to everyone (not just friends and family you’re connected with). It’s important to have some separation between your personal and professional identity online. So make sure the privacy settings on these accounts are switched on to maintain a healthy balance.

This will avoid harming your career prospects with any potential employers who may check your social accounts.

Be selective

You might get on well with the people you work with, but this doesn’t mean you have to connect with them across all your personal social channels.

Be selective about who you choose to do this with, as visibility across all your personal updates may be inappropriate for some of your colleagues. You never know who a future potential employer might be and you don’t want pictures from your Saturday night shared round the office.

The same goes for professional networks. It’s about quality, not quantity of connections. Remember, it’s not a popularity contest and just 50 trusted connections will start to make a big difference to your network.

Friday, March 22, 2019

12:00 AM

Mumbai University has rescheduled 103 exams

Univ reschedules 103 exams to avoid clash with poll dates

Mumbai University has rescheduled 103 exams that would have clashed with the upcoming general elections. The new schedule, which was announced on Tuesday, will hit vacation plans of both students and teachers and announcement of results. Exam commencement dates of as many as 76 programmes have been postponed and certain papers of 27 others rescheduled. Though the university has made an attempt to make minimal changes to the timetable, some major self-financed courses such as TYBCom accounting and finance, TYBMS, TYBCom banking and insurance, and TYBCom financial markets have been postponed by 10 days to May 2 now.

The university has rescheduled exams that were starting on or scheduled for April 22, 23, 24, 29 and

30. Around 30 commerce and management, 17 science and technology, and 29 interdisciplinary exams which were to start on these dates have been postponed. Papers of 27 exams which were to start before the two phases of elections have been rescheduled too. Four of these are science and technology papers, five commerce and management, and 18 interdisciplinary. “These exams will begin before the elections. Some of the papers would have clashed with the election dates. The university has tried to keep the changes to a bare minimum,” said Vinod Patil, director, board of examinations and evaluations. The list of rescheduled exams is posted on the university’s website and the detailed schedule will be made available soon. “Exams for self-financed courses have been postponed by 10 days. Results of some of the fifth semester exams for these programmes, which were held in October, are yet to be announced. If the final semester exams are held in May, the results may only be declared by July or August instead of June. This will also delay admissions to postgraduation courses in India and abroad. Many students who appear for entrance tests will be stuck,” said a suburban college teacher.

Another teacher said the vacation was to start on May 1 but that will not happen now.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

6:15 PM

Update voter id card maharashtra online - Voter id card online application form in Marathi

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Monday, March 11, 2019

8:11 PM

CBSE introduces practical assessment in Math, languages

The Central Board of Secondary education (CBSE) has announced that at least 20 marks should be introduced in the internal assessment/ practical/ project work in Mathematics, Languages, Political Science, and Legal Studies for class XI and XII from 2019-20.

Until now, the board has been conducting only written examination for the above-mentioned subjects. As per the proposed plan, the ratio of practical assessment to written exam in these subjects will be 20:80 from this academic year. Practical assessment of at least 20 marks has been in practice for Humanities, Commerce, Science and Fine Arts. The ratio of practical assessment to written examination in Humanities/Commerce-based subjects is 20:30. In Science-based subjects and Fine Arts, the ratio of practical assessment to written examination is 30:70 and 70:30, respectively.

Students will be given two hours for a thenumber of subjective questions in the examinations to give students sufficient time to write both analytical and creative answers. Also, a minimum of 25% and a maximum of 75% marks will be allocated to the objective type of questions and subjective questions, respectively.

According to an official statement, “This circular is being issued in advance to enable schools to prepare for implementing the few proposed changes from the next academic session onwards.”

ory paper that carries 70 marks. For papers carrying 100, 80 and 70 marks, three hours will be allotted for the written examination.


The board will also decrease the
8:05 PM

Technical Institute to be ranked on the number of startups created

All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) has announced some amendments in the existing rules for technical education in India. This is likely to rectify the curriculum, faculty roles and research programmes in technical institutes across the country.


Technical institutes affiliated to AICTE will now have to allocate separate budget for research activities. The notification states that, “We as a nation have been performing fairly well in terms of research; however, most of the contribution is from some elite institutions like IITs, NITs, IISc, IISERs whereas there is lot of potential at the bottom of the pyramid. Allocation of research fund will inspire faculty and students from affiliated colleges, autonomous institutes and state universities to contribute towards research and innovation. This will improve employability potential, more job creation and strengthen the startup ecosystem,” said Anil D Sahasrabudhe, chairman, AICTE.


At the moment, all the institutions are ranked on the basis of their academic performance and students’ achievement. But, with AICTE’s new rules, technical institutes might soon be ranked as per the number of startups created.

Confirming the news, Sahasrabudhe said, “MHRD innovation cell at AICTE has already initiated AARIA ranking, where focus is on innovation, entrepreneurship and startups. In future, institutes will be recognised by the number of innovative products and number of startups setup annually by an institute rather than mere placement records.”


To strengthen the industry-academia synchronisation, AICTE has partnered with a number of organisations to provide industrial training to the teachers.

All the teachers appointed will also have to mandatorily undergo eight online modules of MOOCs on SWAYAM portal as per the AICTE teacher training policy, preferably within the first year of their service. “The aim behind such a programme is to create passion in the field of teaching and profession. The offline courses will also be available in National Institutes of Technical Teachers Training and Research (NITTTRs) and few select universities,” added Sahasrabudhe.
8:02 PM

A career in travel industry has immense potential

If you dream to travel, and planning holidays to unique and exotic destinations comes naturally to you, a career in the tourism sector will be your best bet

The travel and tourism industry is expected to have a high growth trajectory in the coming years. If you love to travel, planning holidays or keep a tab on exotic destinations, this is a job for you. Working in the travel and tourism industry can be challenging but at the same time exciting and interesting. You may get to travel across the globe, and the best part is, you will even get paid for it. In India, the travel industry will hopefully create 46 million jobs by 2025.

The industry offers a plethora of opportunities for the aspirants. Most of the job roles will be in sales, operations, products and contracting, ticketing, tour management and support functions.


Depending on one’s interest, individuals can look at careers in inbound or outbound tourism. Irrespective of the choices, aspirants need to have a lot of confidence and energy along with strong interpersonal skills besides a strong passion to make dreams come true for the travellers.

Someone who is looking to be a part of the tourism industry must have a hunger to learn new things every day, along with the knack for staying updated with the latest news, socio-economic trends and a strong knowledge of geography.

To go on a great vacation is a dream most people have and the responsibility of every travel and tourism expert is to make this dream a reality in the best way possible for them.


Individuals aspiring for a career in travel and tourism can opt for educational courses by way of a diploma, certificate, undergraduate or postgraduate programmes as a qualification to be a part of this industry.

The minimum eligibility criteria for taking admission to a tourism course at the undergraduate level is 10+2. All postgraduate programmes require graduation from a recognised institute in any stream. Several institutes enrol students based on the performance in entrance test and/group discussions (GD) and personal interviews (PI). Distance learning programmes in Tourism and Travel Management are also offered by many institutes along with degree courses, certificate courses, PG diploma etc.

It is also important to keep updated with the latest in this sector, for which one must regularly participate in workshops and webinars organised by prominent industry players.


This is an industry where one can excel by being imaginative. For instance, knowledge of a less popular spot holding historic or religious relevance can be an interesting destination. Similarly, there are several unusual places in a city that can be of interest to a traveller. All one needs is an eye to spot it and help a traveller reach there. Besides, one must have an ability to multi-task as planning a trip to a place within or outside India requires a lot of paperwork, coordination with various offices, ticket booking and planning.

The sector comprises of many sub-sectors, including areas such as travel agencies, visa services, currency exchange, tour operators and tourist boards. It also covers passenger transport, which means making arrangement for a coach, aviation, rail and waterways and spotting visitor attractions such as museums, theme parks, zoos and heritage sites. With an increase in online tour operators, several opportunities are coming up in the e-business area. There are many online players working in the hotel and hospitality industry.

In short, there is no dearth of opportunities in this sector, what is needed is a supply of well-qualified resources. It is important that the aspirants keep themselves updated on the bustling online platforms to remain relevant and increase the business.


Those who want to be a part of this industry must have the following skills:

Ability to analyse, synthesise and interpret information besides interpersonal communication (oral and written)

Ability to interact and understand diverse cultures/groups, ability to do detailed research

Planning and management

Critical thinking and above all, the ability to work well under pressure It is no secret that the industry thrives on exploring authentic opportunities to make memorable travelling. Being transformative has become a buzzword in the industry, but, it is about more than just about taking a less traditional, off-the-beaten path experience.

In their search for these serendipitous experiences, more and more travellers, especially millennials, also care deeply about purpose-driven travel.

Today, travel is not about just going from one destination to another. It is a collective set of experiences that a customer is looking for. It can be purchasing their favourite souvenir from a local artist, eating local cuisine at a Michelin star restaurant, visiting a historic monument or even staying in one of the local villages at a destination to learn the culture of that place. One thing is sure — you will find a career in this industry an extremely rewarding experience.

(The author is president and group head, Human Resources, Thomas Cook India)

Skills needed to succeed in the travel industry
• Good interpersonal skills to handle customer service, ensuring customer satisfaction

• Sensitivity to customer expectations is key to create unique customer experiences

• Desire to learn new things and keep oneself up to date with the latest global developments/trends

• Knowledge of global culture and destinations

• Depending on the line of business you choose to join, knowledge of computer reservation systems such as CRS-Amadeus, Galileo, Sabre and Abacus; foreign currencies, airfares, ticketing, reservation and booking are very important

Sunday, March 10, 2019

8:37 PM

Mosquitoes suck 100 litres blood a day from citys urban areas says experts in a national conference on emerging trends in entomology

Mosquitoes suck 100 litres blood a day from city's urban areas says experts in a national conference on emerging trends in entomology

मदुराईत डासांच्या ४० प्रजाती असून ते डास दिवसाला १०० लिटर रक्त पित असल्याचे स्पष्ट झाले आहे. एमर्जिंग ट्रेंड ऑन एंटोमलॉजी या विषयावर आयोजित एका राष्ट्रीय परिषदेत हा दावा करण्यात आलाय. मदुराईतील अमेरिकन कॉलेजात या परिषदेचे आयोजन करण्यात आले होते.

मदुराईत डासांच्या ४० प्रजाती असून ते डास दिवसाला १०० लिटर रक्त पित असल्याचे स्पष्ट झाले आहे. एमर्जिंग ट्रेंड ऑन एंटोमलॉजी या विषयावर आयोजित एका राष्ट्रीय परिषदेत हा दावा करण्यात आलाय. मदुराईतील अमेरिकन कॉलेजात या परिषदेचे आयोजन करण्यात आले होते. मदुराईत जलद गतीने झालेल्या शहरीकरणामुळे डासांची उत्पत्ती मोठ्या प्रमाणावर झाली असल्याचे अमेरिकन कॉलेजच्या प्राणीशास्त्र विभागाचे माजी प्रमुख डॉ. आर. सेल्वराज पांडियन यांनी म्हटले आहे. डॉ. पांडियन हे गेली ३० वर्षे डासांच्या प्रजातींचे अभ्यासक आहेत. सध्या ते पीएडी करणाऱ्या संशोधकांचे गाईड म्हणून काम पाहत आहेत. मदुराईत एडीस, आर्मिजेरस, अॅनॉफेलीस, क्युलेक्स आणि मान्सोनिया हे डास आढळतात असे डॉ. पांडियन म्हणाले.

मदुराई शहराच्या काही भागात डासांच्या काही प्रजाती मोठ्या प्रमाणावर आढळतात. या डासांनी शहरातील परिस्थितीशी जुळवून घेत आपल्या प्रजातीचा विकास केला असल्याचेही डॉ. पांडियन यांनी सांगितले. 

हे डास कार, बस आणि ट्रेनसारख्या वाहनांद्वारे एका ठिकाणाहून दुसरीकडे, किंवा एका शहरातून दुसऱ्या शहरात प्रवास करतात. हे डास अन्नाशिवाय १० दिवस राहू शकतात. नव्या ठिकाणी आल्यानंतर त्यांचे प्रजनन होते. एडीस हे डास स्वच्छ पाण्यावर वाढतात, तर मॅन्सोनिया डास जलीय वनस्पतींवर वाढतात. हे डास ग्रामीण भागात राहणे पसंत करत असले, तरी शहरातील घरांमध्ये कुड्यांमध्ये रोपटे वाढण्याच्या प्रकारामुळे या डासांनी आता शहकांमध्येही आपला जम बसवला आहे. 

डॉ. पांडियन यांनी केलेल्या अभ्यासानुसार, एका व्यक्तीला एका दिवसाला सुमारे १००० डास चावतात. तर, काही भागांवर एका व्यक्तीला दिवसाला १०० डास चावतात. प्लास्टिक बॅगामुळे शहरांमधील गटारांमध्ये पाणी साचून राहण्याचे प्रमाण वाढले आहे. यामुळे गटारांमध्ये डासांची पैदास वाढली आहे. असे अमेरिकन कॉलेजच्या प्राणीशास्त्र विभागाचे सहप्राध्यापक एम. राजेश यांनी या परिषदेत सांगितले. पर्यारवणाचा विचार करून आपण स्वच्छता राखल्यास डासांचे प्रमाण कमी होऊ शकते असेही ते म्हणाले. यावेळी जिल्हा मलेरिया अधिकारी डॉ. जॉन व्हिक्टर यांनी मात्र मदुराईत दिवसाला १०० लिटर रक्त शोषतात या माहितीचा इन्कार केला आहे. हे काल्पनिक अनुमान असल्याचे डॉ. व्हिक्टर यांचे म्हणणे आहे. डासांमुळे होणारे रोग रोखायचे असल्यास डासविरोधी मोहिमांमध्ये लोकांचा सहभाग असणे अत्यंत गरजेचे असल्याचे त्यांचे म्हणणे आहे. यासाठी लोकांमध्ये मोठ्या प्रमाणावर जनजागृती केली गेलेली आहे, मात्र लोक त्यावर अंमलबजावणी करताना दिसत नसल्याची खंतही डॉ. व्हिक्टर यांनी व्यक्त केली. 
8:04 PM

Five ways to put spirit into the team

Successful business leaders know the importance of a good team. Here’s how to achieve it

Whether it’s reducing the hours in a work week or bringing puppies into the office, companies all over the world are prioritising employees’ happiness because it’s proven to increase productivity.

For some, their moods are directly related to their managers’ attitudes. Steve Bushnell, certified leadership coach and founder of Charles River Careers, says there are five steps every boss should take to ensure employee happiness at the workplace.

First, every boss must listen to their employees

Bushnell says by far the most important quality a great boss can have is being a good listener. He even emphasised the importance of ‘listening with intent’.

To listen with intent, he says, bosses must deliberately make time to listen and must be present when they are engaging with their staff. “Don’t go in with pre-existing biases, and [instead] go in with an open mindset,” he says.

Understand the importance of work-life balance

Work should never completely consume an employee’s life. They have other hobbies, commitments and events that are happening outside of the office, and managers must be open to employees exploring those other areas.

“Giving employees some flexibility to do the work in a way that suits their busy, complicated lives is important,” Bushnell says. “The more you can tip the dial towards improving that balance, the more present, engaged and available they will be. And they will be happier.”

Give feedback on work

Bushnell believes managers should be giving their employees ‘regular and ongoing’ feedback. Whether it’s positive or negative, communication is important in creating an enjoyable work environment.

Bushnell also points out that feedback is best when given face-to-face. Stop by their office, cube, or connect over Skype video and say, ‘Thanks so much. I really appreciate what you did on our projects’.

Connect the employees’ roles to the larger picture

For an employee to be happy, they have to feel like the job they’re doing actually matters. If they feel like they are wasting their time, they will ultimately become uninterested in the job. “You have to connect their role to the larger mission of the organisation,” Bushnell says. “I want to build the cathedral. I don’t want to make bricks.”

As a leader, Bushnell says, managers should make it clear what the goals are and what they are trying to accomplish as a company. They should then explain how each role fits into that larger picture.

Offer fair compensation

Though it may seem obvious, employees are most happy when they are getting paid well. If a worker feels like he is not getting paid fairly, they could feel underappreciated and taken advantage of.

Pablo Isla, CEO, Inditex, was voted best CEO for 2018 by Harvard Business Review

Three of Meghan Markle’s aides left their positions amid rumours that the Duchess of Sussex is difficult to work under
12:22 AM

HC slaps notices to OLX, Quikr and Ebay for promoting sale of currency notes

Indore Jul 15, 2015: HC slaps notices to OLX, Quikr and eBay for promoting the sale of currency notes

The Madhya Pradesh high court on Wednesday slapped notices to online classifieds/trading portals OLX, Quikr and eBay for providing a platform to speculators for auctioning Indian currency notes at a much higher price than their face value.

The Madhya Pradesh high court on Wednesday slapped notices to online classifieds/trading portals OLX, Quikr and eBay for providing a platform to speculators for auctioning Indian currency notes at a much higher price than their face value.

For instance, an old Rs 10 note with the serial number with suffix ‘786’ is being auctioned at an exorbitant price of Rs 25,000. Similarly, the portals also have ads offering bank notes with the serial number representing their birth date.

After coming across a large number of such advertisements, Jitendra Singh Yadav filed public interest litigation in the high court against the illegal sale of currency notes at higher prices. “The currency of India can only be transferred, exchanged but cannot be sold,” he said.

“It is one kind of black marketing of currency notes and these websites are encouraging speculators. It can have larger repercussions on our economy. They are stopping the free flow of currency in the market, holding the unique digit denominations of currency notes and auctioning them at a higher price,” Yadav said.

According to the petitioner’s counsel advocate Abhinav Dhanodkar, the act violates sections 22, 23, 24 and 26 of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934.

It is the responsibility of the finance ministry and the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to make stringent laws to safeguard interests of the people as the currency of India regulates the economy of the country... If such kinds of activities are (allowed to continue), it may cause an adverse effect and hamper the economy forcing people to indulge in speculative activities and cause financial damages and hardships, advocate Dhanodkar told the court.

Another cause for concern was that ads claimed to be able to provide notes with serial numbers matching one’s birth dates.

“How can anyone provide a currency note with one’s birth date as a unique serial number, that too on demand? It means he prints currency notes illegally,” Dhanodkar said.

After hearing the petition, the high court’s division bench comprising justices PK Jaiswal and TK Kaushal slapped notices to the online portals and also to the ministry of finance and the governor of the RBI to file their replies within three weeks.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

3:56 PM

State offers Marathas free IAS classes in Delhi

In a move aimed at appeasing the Maratha community which agitated successfully for more than two years for a quota, the state government has decided to offer UPSC coaching to Maratha students for free in Delhi.

Under the scheme, 225 meritorious Maratha students will be selected, and the state will send them to the national capital for coaching for the civil service or IAS exams. “We will be spending Rs4.3 lakh for each of the students. The government will pay their coaching class fees and provide them a stipend of Rs13,000 per month,” said cabinet minister Chandrakant Patil, who heads the Maratha reservation subcommittee.

Patil said there are no classes for NET-SET exams, so the government will start centres to coach students from the community to appear for these exams. Patil said recently, advertisements were issued to fill 200 posts of judges in the state. “We will give required assistance to qualified people from the Maratha community to appear for the recruitment exams,” he added. The government is also devising a module to train students in telecom-related skills.

The state has already announced a 16% reservation under the Socially and Educationally Backward Classes (SEBC) category for the Maratha community in state jobs and educational institutes. Besides, subsidy in education fees to youth from the numerically dominant community too has been given. “So far, Rs244 crore has been disbursed to colleges and institutions towards reimbursing 50% of the fee amount to students (from the Maratha community),” said Patil.

Patil said the state government has announced a scheme in which youth entrepreneurs from the community will be given loans for which interest will be reimbursed. Under the scheme, loans up to Rs10 lakh can be given, and 2,800 youths have got loans so far.

“We are hoping to give loans to at least 10,000 youths every year, which will help us generate at least 50,000 jobs every year,” said Patil.

He said the state government had decided to stand guarantee for loans the youth take from nationalised banks, but now the scheme will be extended to loans taken from cooperative banks as well.
3:53 PM

The frequency of monorail services

With 2 more rakes, mono to run every 15 mins from April

The frequency of monorail services will increase to a train every 15 minutes in April as the Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority (MMRDA) plans to introduce two more rakes in service.

At the moment, monorail services on the entire course from Chembur to Sant Ghadge Maharaj Chowk (Jacob circle) run at a frequency of 22 minutes with four rakes in operation.

“We will introduce one rake by the end of this month and another in April. The next rake will be used as spare in case one has to be withdrawn from service. When another rake is introduced in April, we can bring down the frequency to 15 minutes,” said MMRDA chief R A Rajeev.

On Tuesday, the first working day of the week after the entire corridor was opened to the public on Monday, a public holiday, there was a dip in ridership. At the end of service, 23,321 commuters had used it, compared to 27,619 on Monday, a drop of 15%.

There were fewer families on joyrides on Tuesday, and more office commuters. “It is a cool service, which saves me at least Rs 170 for a one-way journey from my home to office,” said Ketaki Bagade, a marketing professional. She would take an Uber to travel from Fertilizer Township to Lower Parel, but now the monorail is offering an “economical and comfortable ride”. She plans to take it regularly.

Another office-goer Trupti Patil, who travelled from Mysore Colony to Jacob circle, said it used to take her around Rs 100 to travel to Dadar and then take a train to Currey Road. “This is more convenient, I just get down at the stop close to my office. It saves me about half an hour in travel time,” she said.

Monday, March 4, 2019

5:29 PM

Skills needed for future job market

Lists down five key market sectors that will gain prominence in the future. It is time students embraced the change
India finds itself at a unique advantage when compared to other nations due to its young population. However, a young population is both an opportunity as well as a problem depending on how the advantage is utilised to boost the economy. The rapidly growing population indicates the urgent need for skill development in order to enable the growing population to have meaningful employment. An education that places an emphasis on imparting skills over rote learning and memorisation is necessary to ensure that the youth are gainfully employed.

For India to maintain its stature of being the largest provider of skilled programmers and technologists, we will have to ensure that its populace is skilled accordingly so as to remain competitive in the global arena. What follows are five important skills that will continue to be in high demand in the Indian job market in the years to come.


Coding or programming in languages such as Javascript or Python has consistently been a skill that is in high demand. Many companies in the past few years have produced both hardware and software that feature augmented reality and machine learning. Individuals who possess the skills required to create, design and refine applications that make the most of these technologies and application programming interfaces, will be able to consistently secure rewarding employment.


Machine learning (ML) being a branch of Artificial Intelligence (AI), has proved itself to be one of the most important technological developments in the last few years as it facilitates algorithms and programes to continually learn and improve their efficiency with time. Individuals possessing a sound understanding of machine learning will ensure that they become integral components of both emerging and established corporations.


Companies are constantly in need of mobile applications that make their product or service accessible to the growing target audience. An exciting direction in which mobile applications are currently headed in is integrating technologies such as augmented reality like Pokémon Go. Applications such as these blend elements from the environment around users making the content appearing on screen more engaging.


Companies are constantly on the lookout for individuals with digital marketing skills in order to be able to better their presence and visibility across the internet. This skill has an obvious advantage as greater exposure to users across the internet would result in more customers and thus revenue.


It is no surprise that cybersecurity and information security are one of the highest paying and most wanted skillsets. Ransomware attacks such as WannaCry along with hardware vulnerabilities that were exhibited in MeltdownandSpectrehave become the new norm in modern society. As the world continues its reliance on outsourcing services such as cloud computing providers, coupled with internal networks that are vulnerable, the need for businesses to staff a skilled security team is of utmost importance.

These emerging skillsets will be evolving at an exponential pace and wrapping one’s head around them to stay ahead of the curve is essential. A young population can only become an asset if sufficient job opportunities are created and the youth is skilled enough to meet the aspirations of the populace.

The government has struck the right cords with ‘Skill India’ and ‘Make in India’ as well as providing the policy framework under ‘Ease of Doing Business’. However, a lot more needs to be done if we are to fully utilise youth potential. With a focus on acquiring the required skillsets, the possibilities that lie before a youthful India are unlimited.
4:57 PM

Soon a direct train from Mumbai to Alibaug; 180 escalators on CR, WR

Union railway minister Piyush Goyal on Sunday hinted at a direct train being planned between Mumbai and Alibaug in the near future. “There is a goods line between Alibaug and Pen, and I plan to introduce a passenger train on this section. Efforts will be taken for new station development along this corridor,” said Goyal at an event held at CSMT to launch several rail projects, including Parel Terminus. “Once Alibaug is connected to Pen, we can have the direct connect to Mumbai as Pen has a regular passenger service towards Thane/Dadar.”

Alibaug, a hotspot for beach lovers, is already connected to Mumbai by road and by sea.

Other major projects announced by Goyal included a new station at Chikhloli located between Ambernath and Badlapur, and approval for Rs 726-crore Kalyan-Murbad line via Ulhasnagar spanning 28km and for 180 escalators on Central Railway and Western Railway.

Rattling off statistics, he said that in 2013-14, the suburban section had just three lifts and now there were 78 lifts; also 16 were under construction and 174 more will come up soon. “Till 2013-14, in Maharashtra, just 650km of railway tracks were electrified. In 2018, we had surpassed 4,000km electrification and another 6,000km is likely to be electrified by year end. It is a major achievement.”

He added that there were just 16 escalators and 320 foot over-bridges (FOB) in Mumbai suburban prior to 2014, and the numbers have increased to 112 escalators and 129 FOBs last year. “While work on 38 escalators is in progress, I have sanctioned a record 180 escalators—115 for CR and 65 for WR today,” said Goyal. “Also,130 more FOBs are being built to give more emphasis on railway infrastructure and passenger convenience.”

“The Parel Terminus was much needed and will be a relief to thousands of office-goers,” Goyal said, adding that onethird of Mumbaikars travel by suburban trains daily. “It’s a mad rush during evening peak hours. We can barely stand after getting into a crowded slow train from Parel to travel to Thane, Kalyan and beyond,” said Shefali Rane, an office-goer.

The MoU for railway handing over 45 acres of land to the state for the Dharavi redevelopment project on a 99-year-lease was also signed at the event. Chief minister Devendra Fadnavis said: “With the railways handing over the land, it will transform the lives of thousands of Dharavi residents.”

Fadnavis said that the list of projects launched and sanctioned on Sunday was so long that when he was jotting them down on paper before coming to the event, it ran into more than two pages. “In fact, the entire list of our demands for railway projects across Maharashtra has been cleared by the Centre... This is amazing as we have not a single project pending for approvals by the railway ministry.”

Goyal said elevated corridor routes have been planned as per last budgets and there is a 360-degree holistic approach to introduce better Metro, Monorail and suburban rail connectivity in Mumbai in the coming months. “We have already completed Rs 20,000-crore worth projects and work is on for Rs 55,000-crore MUTP projects for which railway ministry has given its nod,” he added.

4:56 PM

Monorail - The much-delayed second phase of the 20km Chembur-Wadala-Jacob Circle monorail network

City gets up to speed with surface transport boost
Phase I was a joyride, Monorail may now see 30 lakh riders a month: CM

The much-delayed second phase of the 20km Chembur-Wadala-Jacob Circle monorail network was finally inaugurated on Sunday. Chief minister Devendra Fadnavis, railway minister Piyush Goyal and MMRDA chief R A Rajeev and other dignitaries undertook the inaugural run, days before the code of conduct is enforced before the Lok Sabha polls. The Monorail left Jacob Circle station at 6.15pm and arrived at Wadala depot at 6.43pm.

Regular services on the entire 20-km stretch will commence from Monday morning. Monorail had been operational only on the 8.8-km route between Chembur and Wadala depot since February 2014. The safety certification for phase II came in April 2018, but there were no rakes to run the services.

“Phase I was opened in 2014, but it was known for joyride. The opening of the entire corridor will help attract almost 30 lakh commuters per month compared to 4.5 lakh in Phase I,” said Fadnavis. He added that around 250km of Metro network is being laid across Mumbai Metropolitan Region and the aim is to ensure that its takes only an hour to travel from one end to another.

Goyal said, “Mumbai is the only city now that has suburban railway, Metro and monorail networks. It has been decided that MMRDA and railways will work towards providing integration with suburban stations by way of subways or foot overbridges.” MMRDA will run Monorail rakes at a frequency of 22 minutes, from 6am to 10pm. In all, 130 services will run between Jacob Circle and Chembur The fare will be in the slab of Rs 10, Rs, 20, Rs 30 and Rs 40.

Rajeev said. “Completing the second phase was indeed a challenge. However, support from the state government and our officers, engineers and workers made the challenges look easier.” The inauguration of Phase II had been delayed because the operations and maintenance operator, Scomi Engineering, had failed to roll out adequate number of rakes. Scomi had received seven extensions before which the system first opened on truncated 8.8km route between Chembur and Wadala on February 2, 2014.

Friday, March 1, 2019

2:46 PM

Aditya Institute of Management Studies and Research (AIMSR)

Nurturing Growth Driven Leadership
AIMSR is an emerging leader in management education in India
Aditya Institute of Management Studies and Research (AIMSR) is one of the emerging leaders in management education in India. This institute has created a unique identity for itself by challenging conventional thinking and learning in the global market. Faculty across academics and the industry representing all business disciplines provide enriching experiences and teachings both in as well as outside the classroom. A rich co-curricular experience complements a strong conceptual foundation through 100+ experiential learning opportunities spread across the duration of all programs. The AICTE approved PGDM program and the Mumbai University affiliated MMS program are both known for their excellence in building leadership skills in more than 400 students each year.

The curricula are modeled on approaches used for executives from global companies. AIMSR has emerged as one of the premier institutes preferred by many recruiters who seek corporate ready and professionally trained individuals. Recruiters from various different industries visit the campus. The more regular recruiters include ITC, TATA Group, OPPO, Kotak Mahindra Bank, Decathlon, Godrej, Ola, Pepsi, L&T, Cadbury, Ernst & Young, SBI Life, Axis Bank, IDFC, Motilal Oswal and several others. The industry orientation is further developed by weekly coffee meets with the 1000+ responsive and engaged alumni who inspire and encourage students, boosting their confidence in working their way forward in the complex business world as future leaders.

Students have the opportunity to take part in an international study tour which includes visits to local companies, business schools and some places of interest. Last year, the tour to Singapore enabled students to immerse themselves in another culture and experience the challenges and opportunities facing organisations outside India. They gained extensive knowledge from this tour preparing them to become future global leaders. At the very preliminary stage, an intensive 21-day long Induction Program at the institute facilitates thinking in new ways through orientation to different aspects of management, collaborative team building exercises and leadership activities. Knowledge is promoted with a unique adventure-based learning methodology. The training and certification programs at the Institute include: NISM, Cambridge Business English, Advanced Financial Modeling and Digital Marketing.

To encourage research orientation, students get access to world-class journals and articles through J-Gate and Ebscohost. Simulation games and case studies form an integral part of the teaching pedagogy. Exposure to CMIE and Tickerplant enable students to track trends in the industry. Additionally, the institute focuses on the personal growth of each student through mentorship, live projects and social sensitization programs. AIMSR’s tie-ups with National Entrepreneurship Network (NEN) enables access to entrepreneurs, investors and to the know-how of creating business plans.

AIMSR remains extremely active with student engagement and development activities through its various clubs and cells – Finance Club, Marketing Club, HR Club, Entrepreneurship Cell, Research Cell, Women’s Cell, CSR Club, Women’s Cell and Passion Club. One of AIMSR’s major initiatives has been the Innovation Summit & International Conference that is organized every year. AIMSR also organizes a free career counselling session for all MBA aspirants.

For further details call 8080112200.
2:46 PM


‘We are the best’ is an outdated saying now and does not appeal many as the youths of today can easily separate wheat from the chaff with their sharp observations and never-failing checklists. The selection of right business school is the most important decision for the aspirants of management courses. Therefore, they do not get swept away by the dicey claims of immature and inexperienced mushrooming B-schools with pretentious buildings but unorganized approach, obsolete syllabi and rootless standing. They can quickly differentiate a standard management institute with global standards from an average B-school just by exploring – how old it is, what is student strength in the concerned course, how qualified and experienced faculty members are, how the credentials of the director of the institute are and how the placement record of the institute is. Such patient and intelligent filtering is essential too especially when their dreams and the hardearned money of their parents is at the stake.

Good business schools shapeup the personality of their students from inside to outside ensuring that they are job-ready and compatible with the expectations of the top corporate. When a company visits a business school for the placement of students, it majorly looks for two qualities in them. The first one is Competence – the ability to perform the desired tasks which ultimately decides the survival of the new employee in the company and the Second one is Compatibility – the suitability of the candidate for the organization considering the work culture, working hours and other expectations. Business schools, therefore, play the crucial role in the making of a competent, confident and visionary manager who can adjust oneself in the company culture well, can sense the market changes before they actually occur and design the effective and realistic plans to survive and flourish in spite of the acute challenges.

IMS Ghaziabad has been nurturing leaders who can solve the entire spectrum of business, social and economic problems with creative thinking and react strategically to gain competitive advantages. One of the most reputed and sough-after Bschools of the country, IMS Ghaziabad strives to disseminate ethical, vibrant, innovative, global, qualitative management education and foster international relations with leading B-Schools / universities across the globe. They value the continual pursuit of innovating business education by novel approaches to learning The curriculum of PGDM programme at IMS, Ghaziabad is regularly revised to make it cross functional based on the industry inputs and the best global practices along with Certification programmes to keep it in synchronization with the changing business requirements. Recently, IMS Ghaziabad has added two new programs, first is in the field of IB & second is in field of Big Data Analytics.

Keeping the glorious legacy of Academic Excellence ahead in its 29th year of existence, IMS Ghaziabad, has been consistently bestowed with top accreditations, awards, ratings and rankings by Apex bodies like NAAC, ASSOCHAM, TOI, Competition Success Review, from leading magazines, Careers360, CEGR and others; a testimony to the ever-growing role of IMS Ghaziabad in escalation of Business Education in the country. IMS Ghaziabad (NAAC ‘A’ Grade & ASIC, U.K Accredited Institution) has been ranked as 4th in North India and 18th in All India by Times B-School Survey, 2018, and has been awarded “Best Excellence in Industry Interface”, by a leading business magazine and the Education Post 2018 among others; a testimony to the ever-growing role of IMS Ghaziabad in the escalation of Business Education in the country. It offers PGDM (AICTE approved, NBA accredited & equivalent to MBA by AIU – Association of Indian Universities) & MCA (AICTE approved & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J.A.K.T.U) 
2:45 PM

Bennett University (Times of India Group)

The Tie is Passé. Make sure your MBA is not
MBA from Bennett University (Times of India Group). Tomorrow is our business.
Bennett University has been founded by The Times of India Group as an extension of its role as ‘Knowledge Partner’ to the country for the last 180 years. With many successful businesses like Times Now, Radio Mirchi, Times Internet, Magicbricks,, Cricbuzz, The Times of India, The Economic Times, Femina, etc. there are very few organisations which can foresee the changing business environment like The Times of India Group.

Bennett University is a multi-disciplinary university committed to providing academic excellence in higher education and creating a learning atmosphere conducive to research, practical and entrepreneurial applications. At Bennett, the programs are carefully carved keeping in mind changing global scenarios, dynamic industry demands, and the need for academic excellence combined with practical and industry exposure. The members of faculty are handpicked from reputed national and international universities who give their best to nurture future leaders.

MBA Program

The MBA program offered by the School of Management is India’s most contemporary program focussed on creating entrepreneurs, business leaders, and global management professionals of tomorrow. The program follows a holistic approach in overall development of students. It inculcates the elements of inter-disciplinary education in its teaching methodologies, industry connect and global exposure. The program is curated in a way that it combines the theoretical knowledge with practical exposure, and communication skills which are highly valued in modern global multicultural environments. The program is supported by The Economic Times – the information powerhouse which has the pulse of the business world like no other organisation.

Industry Exposure

The program has mandatory internships and industry tours as a part of the curriculum. Along with this, students gain experience by associating themselves with industry-led projects and interacting with industry leaders coming for guest lectures as a part of CXO series, workshops and seminars at the campus. The MBA students bagged internships with companies like Moody's, PepsiCo, O&M, Hitachi, Escorts, Motilal Oswal Securities, Nestle, Axis Bank, IDFC Bank, Deloitte, Moody’s Analytics, among others.

Students also get the opportunity to participate in industry events attended by leading business and political leaders, to get 360 degree exposure. Some of the industry events attended by our students include: Global Business Summit 2019, India Economic Conclave 2018, FICCI Higher Education Summit 2018, ET Rural Strategy Summit 2018, Times LitFest (Delhi, Kolkata, Chandigarh), Mirchi Music Awards to name a few. Exposure of this kind provides a unique experience that cannot be matched in a classroom!

Bennett University has a dedicated Career Services Team. Along with members of faculty, the team prepares students for industry through strong academic inputs, providing opportunities for practice through projects, case studies, and assignments. This team works closely with corporates for participation in guest lectures, curricular inputs, joint program development, internships, and placements. Bennett Finishing School trains students in the areas of soft skills, technical skills, and life skills to make them job ready from day one.

For further details, contact Sandeep Kohli Ph: 09810571225, E-mail: Website: 
2:45 PM

The N L Dalmia Institute of Management Studies and Research

On a Mission to Nurture and Transform
The N L Dalmia Institute of Management Studies and Research - An Institute that strives to create global leaders
The N L Dalmia Institute of Management Studies and Research is amongst the top B-schools in India and one of the most preferred in Mumbai. It was founded and established in 1995 by the late Shri Niranjanlalji Dalmia, under the aegis of the N L Dalmia Educational Society to impart world class management education.

N L Dalmia Institute of Management Studies and Research is accredited with ISO 9001:2015 by the UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation System), ‘A’ Grade by the NAAC and a ‘Premium’ status by the ASIC. Our PGDM programme is ranked A*** at state level and A** at national level by CRISIL. The Institute is also a member of the Advance Collegiate School of Business (AACSB), USA, European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD), Belgium and European Foundation for Management Development Global Network (EFMDGN), Belgium, to name a few.

The vision of the founder Chairman N. L. Dalmia is ably taken forward by the third generation Hon. Secretary Shailesh Dalmia by voluntarily relinquishing the management quota and admitting students purely on the basis of merit. The institute strives and thrives to nurture, transform and create global leaders. It has state-of-the-art infrastructure which transmits positive energy and creates a conducive environment for learning.

Academic excellence and rigour are the hallmark of the institute. The institute is a pioneer in setting up 12-Terminal Bloomberg Lab, which provides exponential learning to the students, and probably one of the largest one in India. The institute has a CISCO WiFienabled campus and a digitalized library with a wide array of information on various management and business related subjects. To supplement their learning and teaching methods, the classrooms are equipped with Smart Interactive boards. The students acquire a refined business acumen by using the available software programs in the state-of-art lab such BMC and BESS for high end practical learning and applicability. SAS and SPSS are used for Big Data and Advanced Analytics. The highly qualified faculty teams are alumni of prestigious national and international institutes with a good blend of industry and academic experience. The professors use Harvard Business Review case studies and marketing and business simulation tools to enhance the learning environment. The institute also regularly invites foreign faculties from renowned universities who give the students a global exposure and provide an invaluable learning experience in different cross- cultural business environments. The institute is proud of the excellent student teacher ratio.

The N L Dalmia Institute of Management Studies and Research encourages students to undertake research projects, ably guided by their faculty, wherein it conducted 5 research projects in the Mira Bhayander Municipal Corporation area of Thane for Maharashtra police.

The students are sensitized to the society and have incorporated civic engagements like MSR (My Social Responsibility) activities by adopting the Kondagaon village, wherein huge strides on issues of literacy and education, hygiene and health, and livelihood are undertaken. The institute is proud to be associated with INS Hamla to design the curriculum and deliver the sessions for various subjects of management for senior naval officers. It lays emphasis on the holistic development of students and hosts various national level paper competitions, international conclaves and inter B-school events.

The institute has a good placement record. Every year, top MNCs and bluechip companies visit the campus for placements. The academic rigour equips the students and helps them achieve. All students get equal opportunities for placement and the Institute strives to offer them placement of their choice, profile and location. The N L Dalmia Institute of Management Studies and Research encourages students to not only be the best among employees, but also become entrepreneurs, creating wealth for the nation in return.
2:44 PM

International School of Management Excellence (ISME), Bengaluru

Choose a B-School with an International Edge
Learning Can be Fun at International School of Management Excellence (ISME), Bengaluru
ISME was founded in 2006 by alumni from CMU, Purdue and Wharton, USA. ISME has been ranked among the top 50 B-schools in India by TOI, CSR and a leading business magazine and has been awarded Management College of the Year for Best ROI by Higher Education Review and Management College of the Year by Bangalore Management Association.


ISME encourages a global outlook and nurtures an environment of thinking that is driven by diversity of people and culture. ISME facilitates a Summer Program at London School of Economics (LSE), UK. All students of the BBA attend the Global Experiential Learning Program at Singapore. It is designed to be stint that introduces the student to new worlds of academic excellence via global industry exposure. Nitin Garg, Director of ISME and Alumnus of IIT Bombay and Carnegie Mellon University, USA says, “At ISME, we recognize the need to foster excellence as a way of life in our students. This is why we lay special emphasis on holistic learning with an international focus”. Majority of the faculty having international exposure through academic pursuits or through work experience in MNC’s, a global outlook finds its way into the ISME classrooms. The Global Business Strategy Game, a world-wide contest designed by faculty of University of Alabama is also a highlight of the program.


International conferences, panel discussions and guest lectures by corporate leaders are organized on a regular basis. Over 100 companies visit ISME to recruit students at various levels. Most of the students are working in top MNC’s in India and Abroad.


ISME has a modern on-campus residence for boys and girls where the learning continues beyond the classroom. The DNA of ISME is hard-coded to believe that life is not all about work, that’s why it encourages a vibrant campus life filled with extra-curricular activities in the forms of various clubs.

ISME offers PGDM (AICTE Approved), BBA (Bangalore University) & International Internship and PhD (University of Mysore)

To know more about ISME visit ; Ph-8880612345, Mail: ,