Sunday, March 10, 2019

Five ways to put spirit into the team

Successful business leaders know the importance of a good team. Here’s how to achieve it

Whether it’s reducing the hours in a work week or bringing puppies into the office, companies all over the world are prioritising employees’ happiness because it’s proven to increase productivity.

For some, their moods are directly related to their managers’ attitudes. Steve Bushnell, certified leadership coach and founder of Charles River Careers, says there are five steps every boss should take to ensure employee happiness at the workplace.

First, every boss must listen to their employees

Bushnell says by far the most important quality a great boss can have is being a good listener. He even emphasised the importance of ‘listening with intent’.

To listen with intent, he says, bosses must deliberately make time to listen and must be present when they are engaging with their staff. “Don’t go in with pre-existing biases, and [instead] go in with an open mindset,” he says.

Understand the importance of work-life balance

Work should never completely consume an employee’s life. They have other hobbies, commitments and events that are happening outside of the office, and managers must be open to employees exploring those other areas.

“Giving employees some flexibility to do the work in a way that suits their busy, complicated lives is important,” Bushnell says. “The more you can tip the dial towards improving that balance, the more present, engaged and available they will be. And they will be happier.”

Give feedback on work

Bushnell believes managers should be giving their employees ‘regular and ongoing’ feedback. Whether it’s positive or negative, communication is important in creating an enjoyable work environment.

Bushnell also points out that feedback is best when given face-to-face. Stop by their office, cube, or connect over Skype video and say, ‘Thanks so much. I really appreciate what you did on our projects’.

Connect the employees’ roles to the larger picture

For an employee to be happy, they have to feel like the job they’re doing actually matters. If they feel like they are wasting their time, they will ultimately become uninterested in the job. “You have to connect their role to the larger mission of the organisation,” Bushnell says. “I want to build the cathedral. I don’t want to make bricks.”

As a leader, Bushnell says, managers should make it clear what the goals are and what they are trying to accomplish as a company. They should then explain how each role fits into that larger picture.

Offer fair compensation

Though it may seem obvious, employees are most happy when they are getting paid well. If a worker feels like he is not getting paid fairly, they could feel underappreciated and taken advantage of.

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