Wednesday, December 12, 2012

‘Students can get the best of both worlds’ Insights on the importance of a unique approach towards education and advantages of relevant tie-ups with universities abroad

‘Students can get the best of both worlds’
Insights on the importance of a unique approach towards education and advantages of relevant tie-ups with universities abroad
My approach towards education is that every person who gets an opportunity to contribute in any way in the field should try and do that. It is the most sacred profession, really satisfying and fulfilling. There is a difference between business and profession; I think even in profession, education has a special place.
Kohinoor Education Trust (KET) subscribes to this view. Its institutions are well poised and equipped with the necessary facilities for the courses that KET delivers. The philosophy of the trust is to provide best quality education through the best facilities and best technology available while creating the foundation of the students based on our rich value system. All the skills that you can impart and master won't actually make you successful unless your foundation is based on core values and your values are very strong. That is what we believe in. All the institutions have a very strong philosophy based on our ancient and traditional value system. We also believe in providing the best facilities, technology and faculty. We have an extremely strong advisory board with people like the former vice chancellor, former UGC chairperson, the best brains in the industry.Effort is taken in researching courses needed by the industry at the moment and also in next 15-20 years; all those skills set are included.
The world is becoming a global village so students should get relevant exposure at international level. To ensure this we already have tie-ups with two US universities. These tie-ups are done very selectively by us. We just don't go by foreign label; if it makes sense for our students and there is going to be any value addition for them only then are such tie-ups relevant.
One who joins a PGDM or MBA with Kohinoor for two years has an option to go Georgia College and State University, do the second year there and get the full MBA degree from them. More importantly, special concessional fees are worked out. Then they also get an opportunity to do their internship with the US industry through Georgia and Valparaiso universities. Through Georgia they have opportunity to do an internship programme with Disneyworld also. Doing this, you can get the best of both worlds. You do part of the course in India, get the internship here and understand the ground reality of the market, which is one of the going to one of the top two largest market in the of world. Then, you go to the countries that already have the best practices in place, achieved lot of growth in their economy and see how it works. This can make a difference and the world opens up for students as far as career opportunity is concerned.

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