Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Career options open up

Career options open up

One of the visible changes in recent years is the rising number of women professionals across industry segments. From entering the corporate corridors to being self-employed entrepreneurs, they are even increasingly stepping into hazardous professions including the police force and fire fighting, so the scope for careers has begun to balance out in their favour. Prior to the new millennium, career-oriented courses for women were quite frankly, limited. With relatively few fields like software coding, interior and jewellery designing to choose from, one really couldn’t fault them for displaying a marked lack of enthusiasm.

However, things have improved drastically since then. The boom in several industry segments had created a new demand for trained professionals. Since women fit the bill perfectly due to their temperament and tenacity, the courses specifically tailored for them have also witnessed a multiplier effect.

While women were visible in certain fields earlier, the lack of focused training programs had restricted their numbers. However, now not only are the number of institutions offering these courses on the rise, but the sheer range of options has also increased exponentially. This workforce augmentation in terms of quality and quantity has really opened up the field, encouraging women to pursue careers where their presence would have been unheard of just a few years ago.

The travel and tourism sector has witnessed a boom and women-specific training programs have quadrupled. Media is another field where the entire range from journalism to advertising and public relations is covered by the BMM course. Courses for improving diction have also witnessed a surge due to demand from call centers and BPOs. Even previously male-dominated bastions like real estate are offering more courses for women.

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